Dragon Naturally Speaking Medical Practice Edition 2

The final word in speech recognition

Dragon Medical is the go-to speech recognition solution for more than 10,000 healthcare facilities and 500,000 physicians worldwide. Our solutions ensure 300 million patient stories get told accurately every year.

When doctors speak, your EHR listens

Clinicians can document patient stories more completely and ‘in their own words’—enabling them to update the History of Present Illness, Review of Systems, Physical Examination, and Assessment and Plan in real time.

Made for small practices

Designed and priced exclusively for independent practices of 24 physicians or less, Dragon Medical Practice Edition is up to 99% accurate out-of-the-box and includes a complete range of medical vocabularies.

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Product Description

Speech recognition software for medical professionals who wish to dictate directly into electronic medical records, create patient notes, fax referral letters, dictate for outside transcription, and work on the Web – all by voice.


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